Monday, October 20, 2008

Representin' PA

For all my people from the streets of Pennsylvania... here's the Morning Call letting ya know I'll be in Kutztown this Friday.

Check it HERE!

If you live nearby... come on out and say HEY so I'm talkin' to more than 9 people (who probably only came to get extra credit anyway). I'll be showing some early embarrassing college films that prove you don't need to be good to get a job, along with assorted highlights from my career including some fun commercials, pilots, and favorite TV episodes.

Be there... or be somewhere else!


  1. Hi Tom! Can you believe the Jones' siblings have both MOVED TO KUTZTOWN?! Dave Jones (who used to listen to REM & the Cure and have funky 80's college hair with you) and Beth Jones (who took that really weird vacation to the Outer Banks and completly dissed you for some character named Rico?) are living next-door to each other on East Main Street. Weird but true. Dave is married, and they have a son & a daughter. I'm married, and we have 2 little girls. I can't come to your talk and I'm really bummed, but hopefully Dave can make it... We're having a family over for dinner and some spooky halloween fun that night, so if you're thirsty and want to reconnect with old college friends during a frenzied little-girl halloween party with slightly intoxicated parents, come a-knockin'... Otherwise, great to see all your success - keep up the great doodlin', and I and my 2-yr-old will look forward to your book,
    all best,
    beth (jones) sica

  2. TOM !!!! ok, reach back in your memories...It's Ellynn (Polsky) :)"Britt" ...Beth sent me the info (via facebook) that you will be in Kutztown. I am so happy to see you followed your heart and made a career doing something you always loved!I've thought about you alot over the years, and wanted to get in touch with you. I am married with two boys 13 & 9 now. They were so into KND ! They thought it was very cool that I knew you :)I know you are busy, work & two little ones ,but would love to stay in touch. looking forward to checking out your new book, and Movie !

    Ellynn (Polsky)Arsenault
    (pop on facebook & say hi)

    ...this blog name is used by my family.

  3. wow! talk about some blasts from the past! great hearing from you guys and glad to hear you're doing well! i hope i get to see you while i'm in kutztown, britt, i mean... beth! (haw!) as far as facebook goes... i have enough trouble keeping up with this blog and such so i haven't opened an account. but maybe i'll come disguised as one of my brothers. i know they're on it constantly! take care and say hey to the kids for me!

  4. Hi Mr. Warburton! I'm one of your BIGGEST funs but I have never talked with you! I was trying to find your email but when I found it I sent 4 emails to you but I still don't have an answer!Do I have a wrong email? Can I have the email you have now cause I really want to ask you some questions AND I told you I'm a BIG FUN!!! I just want to talk with you...!

  5. heya melody!
    i gave up trying to reply to all the KND mail once the show finished. i still read them all, tho (although some do get lost in the shuffle)! but after digging around, i see your e-mails in the pile (unless there's another melody from greece). so i'll give you a yell back when i get a chance, okay?

  6. Hello! I just wanted to say that i'll happily be attending your presentation at Kutztown tonight. I was totally thrilled when they mentioned that you were coming, the morning they started giving out tickets, I grabbed one! :)

    I am a Communication Design Major ( i'm thinking of concentrating in illustration ), its my first semester. I have a long way to go, but it's very inspiring to see that you also have graduated from here as well! I'm looking forward to the presentation, i'll be there early. ;)

    - Steph Koch
