Monday, November 10, 2008


Aaaaaaaaaaaw boy...

Submissions to this year's auction are flying in!
And here's one that rocks as hard as possible:

True art commonsewers will recognize this as a stunning example of Christy Karacas' work- specifically from his 'Super Jail' period. Drawn just for this auction, with ink on board, he's maximized as much of the page as only he can.

For those unfamiliar with the over the top Adult Swim show, check out this interview with Christy and co-creator Stephen Wearbrick. But you know what? It's kinda rough stuff, so if you're young and squeamish... go HERE instead.

But if you're an Adult Swim fan... check out the interview HERE.

Who smells a million dollar opening bid for this one?

Answer: ME

1 comment:

  1. Awesome picture!I`m young so I clicked on the you tube video.OMG,rainbow monkeys!
