Friday, April 24, 2009


Looks like May is gonna be a sooper busy time! I've got 1000 Times No readings and signings piling up at bookstores and schools in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania!

But the FIRST store I'm going to visit is right in my neighborhood here in Bed-Stuy Brooklyn! It's Brownstone Books, a great independent book store that's celebrating it's 10th anniversary this year! Ya gotta love the small guys making it happen.

They hold a weekly storytime on Saturdays that rocks pretty hard. I can only hope to have half the voice and presence of reader Ms. Carol J... but I promise I'll do my best! At the very least I'll be teaching the kids how to draw Noah as well as giving everybody a sneak peek at the sequel to 1000 Times No-


So at NOON on Saturday May 2nd, if you're anywhere near Brooklyn, bring the kids, or just yourself and support Brownstone Books (and me!).

All the info you need to get there is on their site HERE!


  1. TIME TO MY MOM INTO LETTING ME GO! I just happen to live not-so-far from there and also happen to have many relatives in Brooklyn....EXCUSES! MUAHAHAHA! I might be there.


  2. bribe*** time to BRIBE my mom...

    ~jazzy, edit

  3. Note to self; Must have a book store in my town. XD

    Good luck, Mr. W!

  4. Hey Tom, Jon here from SVA. Good luck with the meeting and the book!
