Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Lots of you... like me... were not able to make it to this years ASIFA-EAST Animation Festival Awards that I talked about over HERE.

But why not check out some of the winning films from the comfort of your own home?
Or work?
Or mobile phone?
Etc etc etc...

First, this year's signal film was created by the all-powerful Elliot Cowan.
(Funny thing... I tried googling up an official definition for 'signal film' and came up with absolutely nothing. So the best that I can tell you is that it's a short piece that introduces the festival).
Regardless, here it is:

And here's BACKWARDS by Aaron Hughes that had the honor of taking Best in Show:

Stephen Neary made this adorable film called Let's Make Out:

If you want to see more, go on over to Cartoon Brew. That's where I cribbed these from.

And for a complete list of winners (including images from the films) head on over to the ASIFA-EAST website!

Sooper triple giant congrats to all the winners!
Wish I had been there to kiss you all.

Well... not ALL of you.


  1. Sounded like fun!
    Wish I could of been there, though!

  2. Thanks for the plug Tom.

    I looked up signal film also.
    I only called it a signal film because that's what they call them.
    I'd call it an "animated opening".

  3. it wasn't until i started typing the words 'signal film' that i realized i had no idea why we call them signal films. so i figured i'd look it up, but as i mentioned, there's no mention anywhere of it on the interwebs. i'd be willing to bet jerry beck knows.
