Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I'm fairly sure you know Tony DiTerlizzi.

He's this guy:

And this guy:

And he's married to this gal:

Angela wrote this:

So yeah. 

We were all hanging out during a party at Knuffle Manor
(Chateau du Willems)
and I used my Jedi powers to trick Tony and Angela into 
inviting us over to lunch the next day.
Or they used their powers to trick us into coming over
and eating delicious meatballs and sausage 
that Angela cooked up.

Either way...
It was 

But what was even more delicious was 
getting to see Tony's studio:

He even let us rifle through his flat files
which were chock full of

Pictures don't do the originals justice.
The detail.
The color.
The way he copies nature into his creatures.
And the clear-coat he uses on top make the paintings leap out at you.

I thought I liked the art in his books.
But the originals put 'em to shame.

Tony and Angela also have an unbelievable collection of original art.
Dr. Suess.
Mary Blair.
Brian Froud.
And a lot of props from the Spiderwick movie:

Tony was also kind enough to throw a couple books at me:

I got a couple classic Magic The Gathering 
proof cards Tony painted.

But that's for another post.

Thanks for an unforgettable afternoon,
 Tony and Angela!

1 comment:

  1. That artwork is amazing! And the siperwick chronicles was a great series! Thanks for posting
