Saturday, July 25, 2009


Well... here we go!

The apartment got packed up last week and the truck left with all our stuff...

Then we went out to the Jersey shore with my wife's family for a week...

And now it's my last night in New York City.

The family is back home with the parents in Pennsylvania...

So I went to one of my favorite restaurants, an awesome Korean fusion joint called Dok Suni...
(get the japapeno chicken!)

And now I'm at my brother's apartment prepping for an 8am flight tomorrow.

Once I land, I'm staying at sooper pal Maxwell Atom's house...

Until hopefully hopefully hopefully the truck arrives Monday at my new place with our stuff...

And then I madly unpack until the family arrives on Friday.

I've already got some pretty cool new project possibilities... some my own ideas, and some other ones that sound REALLY fun...

So stay tuned for all new, all exciting LA news!

And wish me luck, would ya?


  1. So you're staying with Maxwell while you're living in LA? Awesome!

  2. Alright man....give 'em hell! We'll miss you and hopefully find a way to get out there to visit.... in the meantime we'll be squatting in your cabin in the woods....doing unspeakable things.

    HAve Fun! PKW&R

  3. Yes! Good luck! Don't get eaten by mutant chinchillas! It's so cool that you're friends with Maxwell!


  4. I think I have some Luck o' the Irish around here somewhere that I can let you borrow.
