Monday, August 31, 2009


A while back I told ya'll about ASIFA-EAST President for Life and sooper author David Levy's upcoming new book.

It's called ANIMATION DEVELOPMENT; From Pitch To Production and I just got an advance copy in the mail yesterday! And ya know what? I gotta tell you the sooper honest truth--


At least the parts I've read so far... which were mostly the parts about me. I'm particularly proud that I didn't say anything TOO stoopid. I also made sure to chekc out some of the quotes and passages from other big shots Mr. Levy interviewed-- Craig McCracken, Jackson Publick, Mo Willems, Linda Simensky, Stephen Hillenburg, Los Brothers Krause, and sooooooo many more! And it was kind of annoying because I spent an inordinate amount of time thinking, "UGH-- I wish I said THAT!"

Still... I need to read this WHOLE THING and so do you.

So why dontcha pre-order one right now?

C'mon... it's not like you know everything about pitching shows, do ya?


  1. Oh, yes. I remember this book. Thanks for all your help and support with it, Mr. Warburton. And, for all you Warburton fans, there is a ton of him in the book, including lots of his artwork from his successful pitches. And, he completed no less than three interviews for the book. What a guy!

  2. eeeeeeeek!! 3/4nesss! I MUST find this magazine!!
    Sorry, just another crazed Kids next door fan
