Tuesday, July 20, 2010


You've always wanted to meet Lauren Tom, right?

I mean, who wouldn't want to meet the voice of Numbuh Three?

Well, she'll be doing a signing at the San Diego Comic Con
on Saturday July 24th at booth AA20 from 5-7pm!
She'll be signing with a couple other sooper awesome voice actors from Futurama including John Dimaggio (Bender), Phil Lamarr (Hermes Conrad), Billy West (Fry) and Maurice Lamarche (Kif, Morbo... not to mention the evil Father from KND!)


You thought Lauren only played Numbuh Three?

Nope... she's also Amy Wong in Futurama!
(amongst tons of characters on other shows!)

But since there are so many Kuki fans out there she asked me if I had a picture of Numbuh Three she could make 8x10's of...

So I whipped up a sooper special 2010 Comic Con exclusive drawing for her!

In case you're wondering... that's
"These Aren't The Droids We're Looking For Rainbow Monkey"
she's holding!

So if you're at the Con this Saturday... definitely definitely stop by and a give Lauren a rainboriffic friendly friend hi-howya-doin' hug and have her sign a drawing for ya!
She'd love to see you!


  1. Awww~!! Lucky, I wish I could go to Comic Con!

  2. Awww, I want to go!!! :(
    but I can't as I live to far away...in a different country lol


  3. nooo! noooooo! i want to go to comic con SO BADLY I WANT TO MEET THE VOICE OF NUMBUH THREE SO BAAAAADLY! (in case you haven't noticed, i'm a big fan) i've been wanting to go for two years but i can't drive! if only comic con was in los angeles, i would go every year!!

  4. Awww, I would want to go to comic con. It'd be so much fun. :P I would definitely love to meet the voice of Numbuh Three. And that's a pretty neat picture of Numbuh Three and the Rainbow monkey. "These are not the droids you are looking for."
    I didn't know she was the voice of Amy in Futurama! It sounded familiar but it never caught my attention to actually focus and listen to it. That's pretty cool. ^^ Are you going to Comic con, Mr. Warburton? If you are, have fun!!

  5. i wanted to go sooo badly!!

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