The ASIFA-EAST Animation Art Auction is tomorrow!
And wouldn't tomorrow be so much more awesome if you won this:
Yes, it would.
So if you live near NYC,
now's the time to get over to the School of Visual Arts
and camp out overnight so you're first in line for the auction.
Not that being first in line gets you anything.
(except frostbite)
It just sounds hardcore.
Have fun and BID HIGH!
All money made goes directly to ASIFA-EAST
to allow them to keep smothering you
with animation awesomeness through the year!
December 20
ASIFA-East Animation Art Auction
7:00 pm SVA Amphitheatre
209 E. 23rd Street, 3rd Floor
In other news,
if you wanna get something from the printlab
ya better order it ASAN!
(As Soon As NOW!)
All orders made after today won't be shipped until
December 30th!
No, seriously, one day I'm definitely going to buy one of your prints or sketches. They are just so awesome. x]