And someone's got a secret...

Yes, he DID just say that out loud...
And I'M sayin' that you gotta hit your local comic store, order online or borrow this issue from your best friend...
Because Pummeling Penciller Maurice Fontenot and Indelible Inker The Iguana have drawn up an awesome story for you once AGAIN!
Don't miss it!
whhhy my local comic books stores...! whhhhyyyy! I really need to subscribe to this.
mr warburton
i have a question about knd couples
i really like 1 + 5 but i think that you put numbhu 5 with numbhu 2
and numbhu 1 +362
is that true?
because i wanna know, and i really hope that it can be 1 + 5
but is your cartoon
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