Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Perhaps you heard that Mo Willems is on tour to talk about his latest creation, CAT THE CAT? Yup, it's a new series for young kids who aren't quite ready (reading-wise) for Elephant and Piggie. And the books are, of course, DELICIOUS!

So I was, predictably, totally psyched that he was coming to LA for not just one stop, but TWO!

First off was Vroman's Boookstore in Pasadena on Sunday. I'd never been there before and boy was I impressed! For an independent bookstore it is HUGE and has EVERYTHING. Great kids section (with toys), friendly staff, cafe, magazine stand, toys, kids clothes, etc etc...

It also helped that they had my book there:

I assume they had bought 1000 copies of 1000 TIMES NO but were down to their last one.
And that last copy TOTALLY got sold while I was there!
(To, um... a friend who I pointed it out to.)

Anyway... it was a great turnout for Mo and they even brought in a petting zoo to keep the kiddies busy while everyone waited in line for him to sign their books.

His second event in town was at the Barnes and Noble in Santa Monica so me and a couple sooper pals got together with Mo and had lunch beforehand.

Yeah... that's Dan Santat and Bob Boyle. I can't seem to keep away from those guys. We spent about 4 hours at the Border Grill telling stories, cracking jokes and, well... cracking jokes.

Man, it was great having Mo in town!

And do you know what one of the biggest bonuses in the whole universe is for me?

That when Mo Willems comes to my house, he'll read my son a bedtime story on the back porch.

I mean...


If you're in Cleveland or Chicago... catch Mr. Willems before his tour is over. Info is right HERE!


  1. does this mean you live in LA? i live in LA!! i was just at that barnes and noble 2 weeks ago! aww man!!

  2. i loved C.A.K.E.D F.I.V.E because number 86 is my fav charecter. and i totally predicted that her and numbuh 19th century kissed! that episode was the most sooper episode evuh!
