HE'S 3000% BANYAMAS!!!
But you know what?
He's MY KIND of crazy!
As if creating two, count 'em, TWO, sooper huge animated series isn't enough,
now he wants to... he wants to...
Omigosh, how do I say this...
He wants to start
You heard me. His own online network.
Crazy, right?
But is he REALLY?
After making Rocco's Modern Life for Nickelodeon and Camp Lazlo for Cartoon Network, Joe wanted to do a show without the constraints of a network telling him how to do it.
A network that lets the creators and the audience decide what's funny instead of corporations that have too many strings attached.
And thus the idea of KABOING TV was born.
He even started animating what he hopes to be KABOING TV's first show, FROG IN A SUIT.
Check out this clip:
But with no corporate strings attached comes NO MONEY attached.
So what does Mr. Crazypants do?
He starts a campaign on Kickstarter.com to help get Kaboing TV off the ground.
But why listen to me tell you about it?
Hear it from Mr. Looneybrains himself:
Crazy, right?
But crazy AWESOME!!!
Wanna help?
Of course, you do.
So head on over HERE and pledge a couple bucks to help make KABOING TV, and funny cartoons, a reality!
Sounds like it will be a huge success!
so awesome! i love camp lazlo!
I have seen him on kickstarter, wow, you know him?
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