Thursday, March 17, 2011


Last week was Family Reading Night at Colfax Elementary!

And since I didn't see many of you there... allow me tell you what you missed!

First, all the kids put on their bestest best jammies...
grabbed their favorite stuffed animals...
and went back to school at 5:30!

you say,
"But that's DINNER TIME!"

We all got together on the playground and had a gihoogic pizza party!
But it was hard to pay attention to the pizza since there was also a bake sale with some of the sooper yummiest treats in the history of forever.

After we ate ourselves silly... it was reading time.
The kids could choose between 5 different rooms where different folks were reading different stories.

I rocked the Kindergarten to 2nd Grade room.

And obviously, I read 1000 TIMES NO!
As well as the rough version of 1000 TIME WHY!

But just so you know...
I don't just read books BY me.
I made sure to read one with ME in it!

Like Mo Willems' Elephant and Piggie classic
(I still tell anyone within shouting distance that it's dedicated to me)

I'm not sure...
But I think the kids liked it.

What do you think?


  1. OMG! It seemed so much fun I almost regret i wasn't there too...and it's been a while since i was in kindergarten...
    OFFTOPIC: Please please please, can you tell me where do i send KND drawings that i'd like to show you? I think i've sent a similar comm a few posts earlier but i insist :)

  2. no way! i wish i was that kid sitting in the front row!
