I'm approximately 2045% sure that everyone you know would loved one of these as a holiday gift but:
A: I didn't get around to posting it until now.
B: It appears they're sold out since
this link no longer works.
Sorry about that...
Hopefully some of you operatives out there grabbed one while they were hot
(like a topic!)
I really loved these t-shirts!
But even if it was still selling i couldn't buy them =(
Noooooooo!! How did I miss these?!?!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! YOU READ MY POST!!! EEEEEK! TODAY IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!!! btw...im numbuh 14!! yess! awesome! :D
I want one.
I want one.
I want one.
Yeah. My little sisters told me right after they sold out! They got some in their size- and they think they're so big for it! Man, I was steamed!
Next time i vow I will get a shirt!(Because a Numbuh One T-Shirt would be AWESOME!! :D)
Numbuh 1's biggest fangirl (besides my sister ReRe)
:O THERE ARE KND T-SHIRTS?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? GIMME GIMME GIMME!!! Off to E-bay I go...
Numbuh 1000, signing out.
I want one sooooooooo bad!!!!! i also want a backpack! so i can take it to school and show all my friends that i'm cool enough to have a KND backpack and like i said i want a shirt :)
Holy CRUD. How the heck did I miss this?! Off to Ebay and Amazon!
- Numbuh 424 (aka the girl who seriously wants a Numbuh 4, 362 or 86 t-shirt or different KND merchandise) over and out.
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