And if you like the idea of Numbuh Three and Four alone together in the Treehouse on a romantical moonlit night... I think you're gonna like this one!

Could this be the night?!
Or just another chance for Numbuh Four to be a jerk?
Pick up your copy today so you can bask in the awesome art of Potent Penciller Maurice Fontenot and Inveterate Inker Rob 'The Iguana' Smith!
Curse the lack of comic book stores in The Bronx...
hey, jim hanley's universe, midtown comics, forbidden planet and a bunch of other stores are just a subway ride away! it's worth the trip!
I officially hate living in mexico
hey, jim hanley's universe, midtown comics, forbidden planet and a bunch of other stores are just a very, very long, expensive plane ride away!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!I MUST go a mile away from my house just to get that comic!!!!!!!!!!!LOL.
3/4-ness!! :D
Ugh. I hate living in Canada.
oh my god NOT FAIR the comic book stores in my area fail to have this series! NOOOOOOOOOOO! I've never ever in a kabillion years seen 3/4 fluff in the COMICS before! AUUUUGH I WANT IT!!!
wow I sound like such a fangirl....
oh wait....
I miss KND! WHY doesnt CN show it anymore!! It was the best. show. ever!!! And Actionpack! isnt available anywhere here eaither!!
I'm not gonna reveal anything, but that was a shocker! For the first time ever, Numbah 4 wasn't the one to mess up! I liked it!!!!
GAAH! -ripping out hair- ive been having major comic book cravings lately! my sister is in college and moved away and shes the only one who knows were the comic book store is! almost noone knows about it, its in the middle of NO WERE, at first i was all like "meh ill manage" then i run into this on the internet. WHY?! DX
seriously im gonna cwy
I wish KND merchandise were sold globally
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