It was 10 years ago today that
Codename: Kids Next Door
on Cartoon Network!
Operation: I.S.C.R.E.A.M
were the episodes that kicked things off
and we ended up going for 6 seasons,
2 specials,
a TV movie,
video games,
Who woulda thunk it?
Sooper big huge thanks to
the KND operatives
out there
who never grew up!
I love you all
love these shots of the

Sooper happy 10th anniversary to KND, my favorite cartoon ever! How time flies... it really doesn't seem like 2002 could have been that long ago.
I can't believe it's been 10 already. It seems like yesterday I was watching KND for the first time. I'm going to celebrate right today by watching some of the eps., playing the video game, reading the Cartoon Network Block Party/ Action Pack comics and just remember the first time I saw all the episodes. KND being on was the best time of my life. Thanks for such a great show!
The episode "Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E." was the episode that hooked me to the show in the first place, mind you, I would've thought there would be some spin-off series by now..
numbuh 97: happy birthday knd! *blows her kazoo*
^^ yes, happy birthday to the kids next door. man, I remember watching the show at my grandparent's house XD i love this show! It will always be my very favorite show ever :3 great, now imma draw something to celebrate this c: KIDS NEXT DOOR RULES!
How could I forget it was today?! I remembered this like one month ago and totally forgot D:
Anyway, I want to thank you Mr. W and all KND crew for this amazing cartoon that have always been my favorite! Congratulations to all operatives and ~Stay Young!~
Happy 10th KND~
Oh my gosh, has it really been ten whole YEARS??? I can't believe that, really I can't. It seems like just yesterday that I would run into the living room as soon as I heard the theme song, and start jumping from the armchairs and couches pretending to be a secret agent just like them!
I particularly remember watching Operation: SPROUT and Operation: OFFICE when I was a kid, even though I would have only been four or five at the time. It's amazing that KND is one of the only things I distinctly remember about my childhood.
This show lead me to be the person I am now. (I was always the one who wanted to play 'spies' instead of 'dress-ups' as a kid)
Ah, good times good times!
Happy birthday KND!
Maybe I'll make a birthday cake for you later...
-Numbuh 25 out sorry for leaving another comment ^^; I just really wanted to show you this!
Aww ;__; So many memories. Thank YOU, Mr.Warburton, for the many memories and inspirations. I can truely say that you are one of the people who influenced me to love cartoons and to become an animator. 10 years ago, I was just a little kid sitting in front of the TV watching KND. Now I'm off to college to major in animation. Thanks Mr.W for sharing your creativity to the world :] P.S. I wrote about you being my role model in one of my college essays, haha. I'm a huge fan of Kids Next Door! I just had to mention it! Oh, and thanks to the KND crew!
-Numbuh 14
KND is amazing and whenever I'm down it always makes me smile. I'll be crying, but then I go on my phone, watch one of my fave KND Operations, and BAM, I'm laughing the whole night.
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