A while back I showed you some pics of
did a great job making toys
like this
action figure:

These from
Operation: SPACE:

And this awesome
Gramma Stuffum

But wait...
If those toys never got made,
then how'd I get

Totally weird.
Some guy was selling this:

And I won it!
I got never released Gramma Stuffum:

Never released Food Rambo Numbuh Two:

And oddly,
I also got
three figures from
this set that
sell in stores:

I got these three,
but with different weapons:

There was no packaging,
and unfortunately,
the set didn't come with
Liver and Onions.
So I assume these are samples
from the factory that someone
absconded with
and put up for auction.
And I'm glad they did!
They're awesome!
Hunh! And they probably don't even realize they sold it to Mr.Warburton himself!
In the vein of KND, I saw one of these art groups pop up on deviantart- it's appparently a crossover of Pokemon and KND. It's called "PND".
awe man, i saw that on ebay and was gonna buy it XD wish i did now! nice one mr.w
Wow! What a cool find! And to think they actually sold those KND toys to the creator of the show! :D
I was just inspired to do a search for KND on eBay and I see that, strangely enough, there are two more figure sets similar to this one listed right now (one is from the same seller). The three Sector V Arctic figures included vary (one has Numbuhs 1, 2 and 3, and the other has Numbuhs 3, 4 and 5), but each of these sets include the unreleased Gramma Stuffum and Food Rambo Numbuh 2.
Er. Mah. Gerd. I had the basic figure set…It had a figure of Numbuh 3 from Op: R.E.P.O.R.T. and the Food Rambo Numbuh 2 from Op: N.O.-P.O.W.U.H. Still have a few of them from 50¢ machines at the movie theatre.
To think a show's own creator/staff would have to buy their own merchandise from a far part of the world. It's criminal i tells ya...
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