Eventually he finishes and while we're hanging out talking he introduces me to a young guy standing nearby. It kinda went like this:
Jarrett: Chris, this is Tom Warburton. He created The New Kids on the Block.
Me: Um... actually it's Codename: Kids Next Door.
Jarrett: That's what I said, The Kids in the Hall.
Me: No... Codename: Kids Next Door.
Chris: Did you say Codename: Kids Next Door?
Me: Uh huh.
Chris: Get out! That show totally saved me while I was on massively long book tours!
Me: Really? That's great! What were you touring for?
Then he pointed to a book on a nearby table:

Oh, that's nice---
I was talking to none other than Christopher Paolini?!

And he's a KND fan?!
And a sooper nice guy to boot!
And as it turns out... me and a bunch of the KND crew were all reading Eragon while making the show. So the fanboy action was totally mutual!
And can you believe it? He actually beat me to the punch and asked me to draw something in HIS sketchbook. Of course I did... but not without getting him to rock this in mine:

Mr. Sulu... Awesomeness factor five.
And stay tuned for more Comic Con sketches!