Haha, those we're great too! (Poor Nigel at that last picture though! D: )I know I love seeing all this archived stuff too sir! I hope you find even more cool knd stuff from back in the day to share with us in the future! ^^
"Panning with action weakens it." Finally -- someone understands! So much PRACTICAL info here...what a great service you're doing in keeping these great tutorials alive :)
The page you mentioned, where you said you missed catching/correcting the direction Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 5 were looking in relation to Numbuh 4 caught my attention.
I wondered when I read your comment, if you had actually NOT missed something there. I'll tell you what that sequence looks like to me, and maybe you'll see why I'm not sure you missed anything there at all (with or without the zip cut):
To my COMPLETELY untrained, by anything other that spectating, eye, that sequence reads as though Hoagie and Abby have already left Wally behind in the location shown in his frame. (Which might be why the direction is reversed from the norm.) The two of them then suddenly realize that there is something they forgot (Wally), and he is blissfully unaware of the fact that it might NOT be such a good idea to do what he's about to do. Anyway, that's how I see it...
What do you think? Plausible? Possible? OR Plausible Impossible? (tee hee)
Haha, those we're great too! (Poor Nigel at that last picture though! D: )I know I love seeing all this archived stuff too sir! I hope you find even more cool knd stuff from back in the day to share with us in the future! ^^
"Panning with action weakens it." Finally -- someone understands! So much PRACTICAL info here...what a great service you're doing in keeping these great tutorials alive :)
Thanks for all of the tips! I'm about to board something soon and these were all really helpful.
Very helpful tutorials
The page you mentioned, where you said you missed catching/correcting the direction Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 5 were looking in relation to Numbuh 4 caught my attention.
I wondered when I read your comment, if you had actually NOT missed something there. I'll tell you what that sequence looks like to me, and maybe you'll see why I'm not sure you missed anything there at all (with or without the zip cut):
To my COMPLETELY untrained, by anything other that spectating, eye, that sequence reads as though Hoagie and Abby have already left Wally behind in the location shown in his frame. (Which might be why the direction is reversed from the norm.) The two of them then suddenly realize that there is something they forgot (Wally), and he is blissfully unaware of the fact that it might NOT be such a good idea to do what he's about to do. Anyway, that's how I see it...
What do you think? Plausible? Possible? OR Plausible Impossible? (tee hee)
Hello, thank you for the awesomely practical and "eatable" advice.
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